
  • Size: medium size
  • Movement requirement: high
  • Ideal harness size: 2
  • Hair care requirement: low
  • Can be kept in an apartment More description
  • Boxers are the epitome of coolness. Check out which products suit Boxers best!

    If you have a Boxer, you must be used to spinning and that you don't stop for a minute during the day. Boxers have a great need to spend their time actively, so walking is a key activity in a boxer's life. It is a medium-sized dog, however, with a strong body structure, so it can easily happen that it pulls too much during a walk. An excellent solution for this is the Julius-K9® dog harness, which places the weight not on the dog's neck, but on its chest, so the dog hardly even feels that it is being led. Being a sporty dog, the best accessory for him is the Julius-K9® I-belt that can be put on the harness, in which he can run even more confidently.

    The Chuckit! Tumble Bumber bouncy and glow-in-the-dark dog toy or the Chuckit! Max Glow Fumble Fetch are very good toys for draining the Boxer's enormous energy.

    Boxers are the epitome of coolness. Check out which products suit Boxers best!

    If you have a Boxer, you must be used to spinning and that you don't stop for a minute during the day. Boxers have a great need to spend their time actively, so walking is a key activity in a boxer's life. It is a medium-sized dog, however, with a strong body structure, so it can easily happen that it pulls too much during a walk. An excellent solution for this is the Julius-K9® dog harness, which places the weight not on the dog's neck, but on its chest, so the dog hardly even feels that it is being led. Being a sporty dog, the best accessory for him is the Julius-K9® I-belt that can be put on the harness, in which he can run even more confidently.

    The Chuckit! Tumble Bumber bouncy and glow-in-the-dark dog toy or the Chuckit! Max Glow Fumble Fetch are very good toys for draining the Boxer's enormous energy.

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