Dogs In Warfare - Kind-Hearted Soldiers

Things You Should Know About Dog Soldiers

Tough & Cute Doggies In Action

Dogs have been found on battleffields since as early as ancient times. They used to fight along with humans. Their role in battelfields has changed over time. In WW I dogs delivered messages (and often died while doing so).  In WW II dogs were trained to kill the enemy, to explore areas which were too dangerous for human soldiers and sadly sometimes they were strapped with explosives and sent among the soldiers of the enemy (read many more details about the history of soldier dogs: Nowadays, the duty of most soldier dogs is to sniff out explosives. Wanna know some interesting facts about them?


  1. Soldier dogs sniff out explosives so willingly because they were trained in a way that whenever they found the scent of an explosive, magically, out of nowhere a superb ball was thrown in front of the dog (well, probably from the pocket of the handler;) ).  This way the dog will associate finding the scent of esplosives with getting a ball.
  2. Even the toughest soldier and his mastiff have an emotional bond that is enviable. After their death dogs get memorial services with poems read  by their handler. 
  3. Not all dog soldiers are from a strong and huge breed. A Jack Russel terrier can be a fantastic bomb sniffer! 
  4. Sometimes during the trainings it turns out that some dogs are so sensitive that they are not capable of attacking the enemy if necessary. These doggies become sniffers (and therapy dogs). 
  5. Soldier dogs can get PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome). The handlers are observing the dog's behavior and if necessary, doggies are sent to a loving home from the battlefields. 

Arm Your Own Soldier!

- The high quality Powerharness is not only for German Shepherds. A Pug or a Chihuahua would look cool in a camouflage patterned harness as well:


- If you regularly go to the great outdoors to train your four legged friend, you may need a camouflage patterned sidebag on the dog's camouflage harness (or maybe on a black harness?) to keep documents or small accessories of training/therapy work in it:

Talking about training in the great outdoors, you may want to take a camouflage treat bag with you: